Meet the Owner

Thank you for stopping by...

As a mother of two, I've always geared my life around taking care of my sons, Michael & Christopher.  Wearing various shoes (mom, dad, cook, teacher, coach, doctor, miracle worker, etc.).   Sometimes working multiple jobs and always having various hobbies.

Several years ago, I saw an ad on Facebook for a candle kit from Candlescience.  I purchased it and let it sit for a year.  After resigning from a career of 20+ years, I decided to open the box.  I started testing and testing and testing...  Buying different waxes, wicks, vessels.  Putting my math and science skills to work. Researching on Pinterest, Social Media and ran across a YouTube of someone that was very knowledgeable, patient and willing to teach beginning candle makers.  I joined Candle Biz Academy (Tiana Coats) and is still a member. 

Now, I'm the owner of Blossom Blue Candles.  Selling my products and meeting new people at popups, private events, parties and networking.  I'm consistently testing, researching and exploring new ideas.  My mind is non-stop!  Just taking it one day one step at a time with my husband, Dwayne, sons and sample testers (aka family & friends).

Sincerely enjoying what I love,
